
Monday, January 18, 2010

Run, Mommy, Run!

One of the things I've been very passionate about lately is running. Almost a year ago, I ran my first 5k race. It was my biggest accomplishment so far. I've never considered myself a runner until then. I followed the Couch Potato to 5K and I swear by it! This from a girl who could barely run a block the first time I started.

What inspired me to take up running? I wanted to lose the baby weight I felt like I still had (had my 3rd boy about a year ago from that moment) and all the holiday weight I've gained on top of that. I started meeting up with some mommy friends twice a week to work out. When I learned that most of them were training to do a 5K run in May, I thought, hey, why not? The 5K in May was the Race for Hope, which benefited brain cancer and brain tumor research and cure. A friend's father passed away from brain cancer, and she organized the group to help fight this horrible disease. I felt a kinship like no other - my mother passed away just a few months before from lung cancer - and I wanted to be there for my friend and help. It was all I needed to get up and start running, and it was all I needed to seek out races that benefited lung cancer cure, research, and awareness.

I found the Race for Breath 5K, but it wasn't until later in the year, in November. I made it my goal to run my best in that race. In the mean time, I was going to concentrate on training for my first 5K.

So I thought I had 5 months to train. I ended up having just 2 months! One of my best friends found the Scope It Out 5K race at the end of March. Her mother passed away from colon cancer and there was no question that that was going to be our first 5K.

The Couch Potato to 5K training program does not intimidate. It starts you off slow and easy and gradually increases the time you run/distance. I remember how hard it was, not to mention how sore I've felt many times, but I kept going. It helped so much that my friend trained with me. Such a huge accomplishment to run the 5K distance even while pushing a jogging stroller! Yes, on nice days, we ran outside. With 2 kids each at home with us, we had no choice but to take them along for the ride! It took some getting used to, but in retrospect, that additional weight we had to push was THE BEST strength and endurance workout ever!

On my first 5K, my time was 37:15. Not bad, I think, considering I felt like I was going to pass out on the last mile. I did not sleep well the night before and I sure paid for it. Nevertheless, I felt like a million bucks crossing that finish line! The second 5K, I regret not getting timed for it, but I ran with my youngest son on a jogging stroller. I felt the best at that race! I got sleep, I didn't start too fast, and I was on top of the world! My 3rd 5K was the Race for Breath Lung Cancer race. I still beat my PR (I got 37:03) which was awesome, but felt I could have done better, considering my whole family was recovering from H1N1, and I had just 1 week to train after not running consistently months before!

So now I run because I like to run. I don't think about speed or distance, I just run however long my body takes me. I run at least twice a week when I can. Since it's been cold out, I try to run when my husband's home so I can run out on my own. I cannot begin to share what an exhilarating experience running is for me. You get a runner's high that you can't get anywhere else. When I start to feel like my legs are going to crumple under me, I think about my mom. How my mom endured a much greater pain for so long, fighting that dreadful disease. Then I think, I can do this. I can finish.

I plan to do the lung cancer 5K races every year - for my mom. Eventually I'd like to increase my distance to 8K. I'm not fast, but right now, I'm happy just to run, feeling the wind on my face.

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